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121. Noir Vs Malum Exuro - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Zedrik Cayne (Lack of forum response from MissCeo (aka Elizabeth hope) drama made it kind of weak in my opinion) The blog more than made up for it though... those chatlogs.. I think I might print them out and nail them...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.03 16:36:00
122. How one man can make a whole alliance look dumb - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Quentin Q No vote is needed if you are in an alliance. Ahh didn't know. So is it only Exec corp that can war dec? I assume it isn't set up so any corp can just go 'WAR DEC' and drag the alliance to war... precisely beca...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.03 16:33:00
123. How one man can make a whole alliance look dumb - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
This wasn't blog worthy, but you're all moaning about no content today so having scr.aped the very last dregs from the barrel, I bring you this story... So I'm conducting my inspections as usual, when I happen upon a Brutix.. mining... into a can...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.03 16:10:00
124. Corps in EVE Watch Out!! - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Edited by: Kate Yeats on 02/09/2009 20:29:10 Originally by: Guru Eventually you have to give some members access to certain vital areas of a corp... and once in a while one of those members turns out to be a That happen...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.02 20:29:00
125. Adventures in acquisition - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
I tell ya, this rich media hoo-ha is all stuff and nonesense. Walls of text is where it is at good sir* * - may get caught up the F1-8!, F1-8! of it all to hit prnt scrn or make it all the way to F9. Still at least FRAPs was running this time....
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.02 19:22:00
126. Adventures in acquisition - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
The filthy outlaws decide to take arms against me and lay a trap for me in the current thrilling episode... dun dun duhhhhh! Barge Bait .
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.02 18:30:00
127. thanks you very much carebear - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Paul Clavet Originally by: Lana Torrin Originally by: Saul Reaver Originally by: Jones Bones English mother****er, do you speak it? Fixed You fai...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.02 16:09:00
128. Titan stolen....details inside - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Echo984 Amarr Titan stolen.... details inside Where, exactly? Is this one of those invisible ink things where I need to spray lemon juice on my monitor to see the hidden message?
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.02 14:55:00
129. Noir Vs Malum Exuro - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Zedrik Cayne (Or plag, somehow that seems to have gotten rather popular now-a-days with the jet-can crew). Trit prices mean Veld is no longer king of the refined hi-sec ores, Plag is. Chribba to shortly mothball the V...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.01 17:44:00
130. rumor has it... - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Dominatus Crispus You can now War dec all corporations of eve, npc or not. With the exception of the newbies one withc after 14 days, like the rookie channel, get kicked out of it. I felt a great disturbance in the Force...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.01 17:24:00
131. Adventures in acquisition - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Two new updates... Its groundhog day as I kill the same war Target in the same ship doing the same thing in the same system . And I plead my case for war to CONCORD after being stung by a cloud of angry Hornets* * - well ok, it was Hobgobli...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.01 16:36:00
132. The story of a young pilot, happy to do new lvl 4 mission - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Blasphemour never, ever, ever, ever, EVAR! shoot a ninjasalvager who takes your loot. Ninjas are people too! And outlaws, which is why they are flashy red to you and it is only through the diligent desire to enforce the ...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.01 15:58:00
133. Noir Vs Malum Exuro - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Zedrik Cayne (For full effect, picture a tin-pot dictator in a full dress uniform (with hat!) with a heavy eastern european accent posting the following) Originally by: Takezo Kensei Topeka! I Keel You! cof...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.01 13:24:00
134. So Today - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
If you bought a Raven for 500mil and it turned out to be a Navy Raven... would it still count as you having been scammed?
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.01 13:14:00
135. What classifies as a dishonoured 1v1? - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
So why not pack a scram/ruptor and 'enforce' the rules of the engagement?
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.09.01 12:34:00
136. I made 10bil!! Through Thievery!!!(read inside tis sexy) - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Lord Windu Theft from someone you call a friend = fail oh noes he has no honoures!!
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.08.30 22:38:00
137. Disappointing Ransom - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Arkon's Rival Originally by: Aasimartwo Originally by: AdmiralJohn Originally by: S****Ball THIS IS BECAUSE OF BIG GLASS OF PEPSI! Aw gawd! I've created a monstrocity! A super meme! THIS IS A BIG...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.08.28 18:55:00
138. lol thanks for the help - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Jadeaa I sent him this: what is the terminal velocity of an unladen swallow? A Monty Python reference was made in EVE ?? How come this was not the lead story when I logged in? Come on CCP, do your job and report on thi...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.08.28 18:52:00
139. Cashing out - SFShootme - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Slave Child [x] Sociopath [ ] Broke degenerate that needed the money to feed his starving neglected kids Ceralio: Hey, Doc, could you give me a diagnosis on my mental condition? Doctor: Hrm, well are you a recluse? ...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.08.28 18:43:00
140. Some LOLs for you all - in Crime and Punishment [original thread]
Originally by: Paper View Amarr Navy Slicer with a faction AB? 30 millions please! Wot? no rigs, no valuable BPOs in the hold? Still, nicely done. Originally by: Paper View I engaged them and took one of thier destroyers into s...
- by Kate Yeats - at 2009.08.28 15:31:00
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